You’ve finally decided to get married. Congratulations! The next step is choosing a wedding date, and this is an exciting part of the process that helps you to feel closer to your beloved.
To make your wedding day a little extra special, why not write him a special letter to open on the big day?
Wedding letters are a great way to express your feelings and thoughts about marriage. They also serve as a reminder of why you fell in love with each other in the first place, and make a beautiful keepsake that you can both cherish for years to come.
To help you get inspired, we have put together the ultimate guide to wedding day letters – all you have to do is follow our top tips for the most romantic day of your life!
Why Write A Wedding Day Letter?

You may be wondering why you should write a letter to your husband on your wedding day – is simply showing up not enough?
There are a number of reasons that a personal, heartfelt letter can be a truly special gesture, and these include:
It Is A Chance To Show Your Love and Appreciation
One of the clearest advantages to a wedding day letter is that it offers a chance for you to show your appreciation for your husband.
It’s easy to say “I love you” when you’re standing before the altar or even after the ceremony has ended, but what if you want to go one step further and explain exactly how much he means to you?
A wedding day letter gives you the opportunity to tell him just how much his presence in your life means to you, and how lucky you feel to have found such a wonderful man.
A wedding day letter will also allow you to share your feelings and thoughts about being married, and give you a chance to thank him for making you so happy.
It Will Be An Inspiration For Him In Years To Come
If you really think about it, there’s no better gift than something that reminds someone of their own future.
A letter that reminds your beloved him of your relationship, is a gift that he can read and enjoy throughout his lifetime – and this could offer incredible strength and inspiration when things get tough, or challenges arise.
This is especially true if you choose to use a letter template that includes a few lines from your vows, which will remind him of the words that you said to him during your wedding ceremony.
Your wedding day letter can also act as a reminder of why he chose you in the first place.
If you were able to find a way to incorporate some of your wedding day into your letter, then you’ll be able to look back at this moment in time and remember why you fell in love.
It Offers A Private Moment
The vows are, of course, one of the most important aspects of any wedding, but the very public nature of vows can leave some couples feeling shy and uncomfortable.
A private letter, therefore, allows you to speak freely without worrying about anyone else hearing what you have to say.
What Should My Letter Say?

Now that we have taken a closer look at some of the best reasons to write a wedding day letter, you may be wondering just what you should include.
This is, of course, a very personal letter, but here are some ideas to help inspire your creativity and get over that dreaded blank page.
Why Do You Want To Spend Your Lives Together?
Your wedding day letter should start with an explanation of why you want to spend your lives together.
The reason you got engaged was that you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together, and now you’ve finally made it happen.
So why not take a minute to express your gratitude to him for helping you achieve this goal, and explain just why you wish to be bonded together for eternity?
What Are Your Promises For The Future?
You might want to include a line or two from your wedding vows, explaining that you promise to be faithful to each other and to always put the needs of others ahead of your own.
This is a great way to remind him of the promises you made to each other, and it will make it easier for him to keep those promises in the years to come.
This is also a great chance to write down any promises and oaths that you want to share for your future together; these can include anything from having children to moving house, to starting a family business, or less practical ideas such as never going to bed on an argument, always making one another laugh, or always expressing your love for one another.
How Can We Celebrate Our Love?
A wedding day letter doesn’t need to be all serious and formal. It can be fun and lighthearted too! After all, you’re going to be spending the rest of your life together, and you don’t want to forget how much you love each other.
So why not celebrate your relationship by writing about all the ways that you enjoy celebrating your love, and how you plan to continue this in the future?
You could discuss the little things you do for each other, or silly rituals that are just between you as a couple.
What Are Your Best Memories?
Take space in your letter to discuss some of the best memories that you share with your soon-to-be husband, and reflect on the ways in which these had an impact on your relationship.
You might find yourself reminiscing about the first time you met, or the first time you kissed, or even the first time you held hands – or less romantic memories like the first time he burned dinner or the time you got hopelessly lost on vacation!
Make this personal, and share the amazing memories that you have built. This offers a chance to reflect as you prepare to build brand new memories in the future.
What Does Marriage Mean To You?
If you’re feeling particularly reflective, you might consider sharing your thoughts on marriage itself. What does it mean to you? What does a good marriage look like?
How can you both build a wonderful marriage together? These questions are important ones to ask so that you can ensure that you’re building something special together.
Some Top Examples Of Wedding Day Letters
If you are still looking for inspiration, we have put together some templates to help you create the perfect heartfelt letter to your beloved – read on for some outlines and examples that can help to spark your creativity.
“Our Plans For The Future”
To My Darling [insert husbands name here],
As I sit in anticipation of our wedding day, I am filled with excitement at what lies ahead. As I think back over the past few months, I realize that my feelings for you have only grown stronger. I know that when we say “I Do”, we will become one, and I cannot wait to start our lives together.
My heart fills with joy knowing that I will spend the rest of my life loving you and being loved by you. I know that you will make me happy every single day, and I promise to always do the same for you.
We have discussed many times what our plans for the future will be, but I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you exactly what I would like to see happen in our lives together.
Firstly, I cannot wait for us to live happily ever after. I know that we may face challenges along the way, but I hope that we will always strive to work through them together. I also hope that we will never lose sight of our priorities and that we will always remember that we are meant to be together.
Secondly, I cherish the idea of the two of us having a chance to grow old together, and to laugh and play together until the end of our days. I want to be able to watch you grow into the man that I know you will become, and I want to be there to support you throughout your journey.
Lastly, I know that we will have lots of children who will bring great happiness to our family. I look forward to us building our lives together, becoming a family, and teaching them everything we know. I want to show them that they can achieve anything if they believe in themselves and to give them all the love and encouragement that I received from my parents.
I love you more than words could ever express, and I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
Love Always,
[Insert your name here]
“Our Lives Together”
Dear [insert husbands name here],
Having the chance to meet you, to get to know you, and to fall in love with you has been one of the greatest honors of my life, and it is hard to believe that we will soon be saying “I Do”. I feel very lucky to have found someone who makes me smile every day, and I’m excited about the future we will share together.
You are an incredible person, and I am honored and excited for the chance to call you my husband. I know that we will enjoy each other’s company for years to come, and I look forward with eagerness to sharing our lives together.
You are such a kind and caring person, and I am so proud to be your wife. I know that you care deeply for others, and I admire how much you value honesty and integrity. These qualities are important to me as well, and I am confident that we will continue to build a strong foundation for our relationship.
As we begin our new life together, I want to remind you that I love you and that I trust you completely. I know that you are going to be a wonderful father, and I am looking forward to watching you raise our children. I know that you won’t let anyone or anything stand between us, and I know that we will always be there for each other.
Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world, and thank you for giving me the best gift of all – your love.
[Your name]
“My Love For You Is Forever”
Dear [husbands name] ,
So the big day is arriving, and our wedding day is just around the corner – at long last. During the planning of our incredible day, I’ve spent the last few weeks thinking about the things that make me happy – and I have come to the wonderful, heartwarming realization that I must be around people who make me laugh.
I don’t think that I’ll ever get tired of laughing at your jokes, and I very much hope that you’ll never get tired of hearing mine. It seems like no matter what happens, we’ll always find something funny.
I love the way that you treat me, and I appreciate how you take good care of me. When I was sick, you were right by my side, and when I needed help, you were there to lend a hand.
You’re not afraid to tell me what you think, and you’re willing to listen to my ideas and suggestions. You respect my opinions, even though you may disagree with some of them.
When I first met you, I thought that you were handsome, but now I realize that you’re beautiful.
Your eyes sparkle when you smile, and your dimples light up the room. I love the way that you touch me, and I love the way that I feel when I’m near you. I love how you hold me close, and I love how you kiss me.
When I think back over the past year, I can remember every moment we’ve shared together. We went out dancing, we had fun at parties, and we laughed until we cried. We watched movies, played games, and ate ice cream. We made memories, and we built a special bond.
I love you, and I know that I will love being married to you. Thank you for loving me, and thank you for taking care of me. I couldn’t ask for a better man than you, and I promise to do everything in my power to keep you happy.
Love Always,
[Your name]
“The Things I Love”
Dear [husbands name],
It has been almost x months since we got engaged, and our wedding is just around the corner – though it feels like only yesterday that I proposed to you. I still can’t believe that I found someone who makes me feel this way. I wanted to take a few lines to express my devotion and to tell you that you are my perfect match – and there are plenty of reasons why.
You are the most amazing man I’ve ever known, and I’m thrilled to have the chance to call you my husband. I love spending time with you, and I look forward to growing old with you.
I love the way you make me feel, and I love the fact that you make me laugh. I love how you are so kind and thoughtful, and you always put others before yourself; you are a truly excellent listener, and you give great advice. You’re honest and trustworthy, and you always tell me the truth.
You’re smart, and you’re creative. You’re loyal, and you’re reliable. You’re strong and brave, and you are also gentle and sensitive, sweet and romantic, and passionate and affectionate.
You’re a wonderful boyfriend, a fantastic fiance, and will be the best husband. You’re an excellent cook, a terrific dancer, a great athlete, and a talented musician.
Perhaps most important of all, you are a truly great friend, and you’re a great lover. You’re a wonderful father, and you’re a wonderful son.
The day of our wedding will be the happiest day of my life, and just the start of the list of things that I find to love about you in this and every moment that we spend together. I cannot wait to marry you my darling and begin our adventure together.
With Love,
[Your name]
“My Perfect Match”
Dear [husbands name],
Thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world! It’s hard to believe that it’s already been two years since we started dating, and I am beyond excited to marry you next month.
We’ve been through some tough times together, but I wouldn’t trade those moments for anything. I love watching you grow into the person that you are today, and I’m proud to say that I was part of helping you navigate the stormy waters, and finding the smooth waters of our love.
I love how you treat me, and I love how much you care about me. I love how you listen to what I want and need, and I love how you never fail to surprise me. I love your sense of humor, and I love how funny you are. I love how you support me, and I love that you encourage me to follow my dreams.
I love how you respect me, and I love the way you protect me. I love how good you are at listening, and I love how patient you are when I talk too long!
You are the other half of me; the solution to my problems, the comfort to my fears and concerns, and the stability when I am filled with fear.
I cannot wait for our wedding day, and for the lifetime of marriage that we will share for the rest of our lives together.
All my love,
[Your name]
Final Thoughts
A letter to your husband can be the perfect way to express your feelings and thoughts during the engagement period. If you don’t know where to start, our sample letters are sure to inspire!
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