Weddings are wonderful occasions. A time for lovers to make the ultimate commitment to each other.

But it can be a stressful time, there is a ton of planning to do, there are decisions to make, and every element could make or break the day.
But besides picking the perfect wedding dress the most stressful part of wedding planning has to be writing the wedding vows.
There is a lot of pressure put on couples to find the perfect words.
Words that are heartfelt, unique, funny, sweet but most importantly, words that convey the love you feel for your partner.
If you are struggling to find the words to express the fondness of love you feel for your to-be husband or wife, then you have come to the right place.
In this article, we have a bunch of tips that will help you on your way to writing the perfect wedding vows.
On top of that, we have a selection of wedding vows you can peruse to help inspire you. So, without further ado, let us get started!
How To Write Wedding Vows That Express How You Feel
So, you want to find out how to write wedding vows that express the love you feel for your soon-to-be husband or wife.
Well, below we have a ton of hints and tips you can use to help inspire the vows you have in your heart.
Tip 1 – Give Yourself Enough Time
The last thing you want to do at your own wedding is throw something together at the last minute.
It could be potentially embarrassing to get up in front of your wedding officiant, rabbi, pastor, priest, family, friends, or your future spouse and just read out wedding vows you had to rush or did not put thought behind.
So, make sure that you have given yourself enough time to find the right words.
Tip 2 – Use Mementos To Inspire You
No matter what you are writing you will need inspiration. The same can be said for your wedding vows, which is why you should make sure to take a look back at mementos.
For example, you can re-read cards, letters, messages, or even take a look at gifts.
Revisiting gifts or letters from your soon-to-be spouse could be a great way to remind yourself of moments you may have forgotten.
Tip 3 – Think About The Format
Before you get swept away with the words overflowing from your heart we recommend that you talk to your soon-to-be spouse so that you can both come to an agreement on what format you want to follow, what rules are there, and how long you want it to be.
Make sure that both of you are comfortable with the feel of your vow. It is okay to keep them a secret from each other.
But, for example, one of you may not be alright with humor being present in their partner’s wedding vows.
So, make sure to talk about the rules, and what you are both alright with before you start pouring your soul into your writing.
Tip 4 – Ask Someone Trusted To Check Your Vows
If you are uncertain about your writing it might be a good idea to ask someone you trust to read your work.
It can be difficult to gauge how your words will sound when you hear them out loud.
So it might be a good idea to ask your friend or family member of your choice if they can read it out loud for you.
That way you can get an idea if your words carry the right cadence and sound right.
You might want to skip this step out if you are confident that your writing will be good or if you want to surprise everyone on your big day.
Tip 5 – Do Not Do It All At Once
If you are not a writer by trade or you do not enjoy writing in your free time you might find it difficult to write your wedding vows all at once.
Even the most famous authors out there take breaks when they are composing their best work.
So, we recommend that you take your time, start writing, then come back to it later on with a fresh set of eyes.
This is a great way to get your wedding vows written while still taking the time to revisit your work.
Tip 6 – List Everything You Love About Them
If you are struggling to get started with your wedding vows or you just do not know where to begin then we recommend that you write a list of all the things you love about your soon-to-be husband or wife.
This can be a great way to gather all your thoughts together so you can compose wedding vows that will truly show your lover how you feel.
By writing down everything that you love about your special person no matter how strange it may be can be a great way to find your way and create wedding vows that are truly unique and fun.
Tip 7 – Be Careful Not To Give Too Much Information
Wedding vows are supposed to be romantic, personal, and touching. But it can be oh so easy to say too much or go too far.
You might feel like you are talking to the only person that matters and everything you say is for their ears alone.
But, you need to remember that your family and friends will be listening in.
Because of this, it is recommended that you skip any inside jokes or references to your sex life.
You do not want to embarrass your lover. That being said, it is important to note that these are your wedding vows and you will be able to say whatever you feel is right.
We recommend asking your soon-to-be spouse whether or not you can reference something. Just so that you are both on the same page.
Tip 8 – Ask And Answer Questions
If you are still struggling with writing your wedding vows we recommend that you ask and answer questions.
What do we mean by this? Well, you could ask questions like any of the following:
- What Do I Love Most About them?
- What Things Do Me and them have in Common?
- What was My First Impression of them?
There is a never-ending list of questions you can ask that can be thoughtful interjections to much more meaningful words.
Asking a question about your first impressions of them could be a great way to talk about a meaningful interaction that will become meaningful for both of you.
Step-by-Step Tips On How To Write Wedding Vows

Well, now that we have explored some hints and tips on how you can go about writing your wedding vows we can finally start going into the step-by-step instructions you can follow to get the best results.
So, without further ado, let us take a look at the first step.
Step 1 – Who Is The Person You Are Marrying?
It is a good idea to start your vows by introducing the person you intend to marry.
Are they your best friend? Are they the love of your life? Or perhaps they are they the yin to your yang?
With just one powerful statement you can start your vows off with a meaningful and beautiful like.
For example:
- “Miriam, you are my best friend, the love of my life, and my partner in crime.”
Step 2 – What Do You Love About Them?
The next section of your wedding vows should be quite easy and meaningful. Simply ask yourself what you really love about your partner.
What attracted you to them first? What are their most endearing traits?
If you are still struggling with what to use in this section you could try to think about what you miss most about them when they are not with you.
Simply find it in yourself to speak of the things that you love most about them.
For example:
- “Since the day I met you, I knew you were the only person for me. I love you for the way you make me feel when we’re together and miss you so much when we’re apart. We’ve grown so much together and you enrich my life and inspire me to be a better version of myself.”
Step 3 – What Made You Fall In Love?
At this point, you should think about telling a story of how you fell in love, how you met, or a special time in your relationship.
You could, for example, talk about the place you had your first kiss or simply tell the story of how you met.
This is a great way to make your vows unique, memorable, and meaningful in one fell swoop.
It is also a good way to let your friends and family get a glimpse into your relationship and how much you truly care for each other.
An example of what this part of your wedding vows might sound like, below is a simple example:
- “Since the day I saw your dog running off with your canvas while you were painting in the garden, Miriam is an artist for those attending who don’t know – I knew that I couldn’t picture my life without you ever again. On our trip to the National Gallery of Art, you told me I was the partner you’d only dreamed about. That moment felt perfect because I felt the exact same way about you.”
Step 4 – What Promises Are You Making To Them?
With a good amount of unique lovey-dovey points in your wedding vows we finally come to the point where you start to actually make vows to one another.
You can use the traditional vows if you wish, ‘to have and to hold’ and all of that but if you want to write something unique you will need to think about what promises you want to make to them.
Usually, these vows will give your spice-to-be the idea that you will support them, which is why you should make your promises to demonstrate how you are going to do this.
That being said, you should certainly add a creative flair to your vows. Below is a short list of a few promises or vows you can make to your partner:
- “I promise to love you and always be by your side, through all of the ups and downs.”
- “I vow to always be faithful, and always be your best friend, no matter what the future might bring.”
- “I promise to cherish you for the rest of your life.”
- “I promise to spend the rest of my days loving you madly.”
- “I promise to love and support you.”
- “Before our family and friends, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, I promise to love you and spend the rest of my days with you.”
- “I promise to always root for you, cheer you on, and be your biggest fan.”
Step 5 – Add Some Romantic Or Humorous Elements
Wedding vows do not have to be super serious at all times. If you feel like it, you can add some humor to it.
But, do not forget to make it romantic as well. The addition of romance or humorous elements can really add some uniqueness to your vows.
For example:
- “I promise to share my dreams, my secrets, and my innermost feelings with you always and forever.”
- “I promise to never leave the toilet seat up and always give you fair warning if my mother is coming for a visit.” (Be careful with that one!)
- “I promise to love you until my dying breath and never leave your side.”
- “I vow to root for the Niners even if they’re playing the Raiders.”
Step 6 – What Do You Want To Do Together?
At this point, you may think about talking about your hopes and dreams, and what you want to do with your soon-to-be spouse.
You will become a team and partners for life so you should at least try to mention some of the things you have planned as you live your lives together.
For example:
- “Together we’ll face the future without fear because we’ll always have each other to lean on.”
- “We’ll grow together, learn together, and change the world together.”
Step 7 – You Will Be With Them To Matter What
Wedding vows are most often beautiful, charming, romantic, and focus on the good things. But, you must remember to mention the more unpleasant things.
The hardships you will inevitably face as you live your life. It is hard to hear, but life is not always sunflowers and daisies. You will probably go through many hardships.
For example:
- “I promise to be faithful during the best of times, the worst of times, and everything in between.”
- “I promise to take care of you and prioritize your needs when you really need me.”
- “I promise to not get caught up in petty arguments, (even if you gave me the wrong directions!) Because our relationship is so much more meaningful than that.”
Step 8 – Make One Last Powerful Promise Or Statement
You have reached the end of your vows! Well done! Now is the point where you get to finish it off.
We recommend adding a beautiful statement about your lover or finishing it all off with a powerful promise.
For example:
- You are the love of my life and I promise to adore you, cherish you and respect you for all the days of my life.”
- Today and forever, I give you my heart, my soul, and my trust, no matter what our future might bring.”
Great Examples Of Non-Traditional Wedding Vows

In this article, we have gone over how you can make the most heartfelt and unique wedding vows.
With a few flourishes, you can make them sound super unique. But using this basic format you can easily create some amazing wedding vows.
But sometimes the best way to learn how to do something and learn is to study existing work.
When you are planning your wedding you are sure to be stressed out, so finding examples of wedding vows might be a tough ask for you.
Well, we can help you out. In this section we have gathered sixty-five examples of wedding vows that you can take a look at in order to give you inspiration.
So, without further ado, let us dive in and take a look at some of these amazing wedding vow options.
Short And Sweet Wedding Vow Examples
These wedding vows are short, sweet, and unique.
- “I’ve always dreamed of marrying a guy like you, and today, I get to marry the man of my dreams.”
- “I look forward to falling in love with you over and over and over again each day.”
- “I will never give up on us.” “No matter how many ups and downs we face, I will always love you.”
- “We will be best friends, partners, and lovers. We’ll share everything from our deepest secrets to the most intimate moments of passion.”
- “If I could do it all over, I’d choose to be your wife every time.”
- “You are the most important person in the world to me. Together we will build a home of our own making where there is respect for each other’s feelings and ideas. I promise to love you for the rest of the days of my life.”
- “I promise you my heart and with it, I’m yours completely. My wedding vows stand true; you have me forever. My love for you is endless.”
- “The first time I saw you my heart whispered, “he’s the one.” My heart was so right.”
- “I pledge you my love and devotion now, tomorrow, into eternity.”
- “It’s been a long time coming, but I want nothing more than to be your husband/wife.”
- “I give you my hand, my heart, and my word that I will be a loving and devoted wife.”
- “I pledge to be your loving friend and to comfort you when your team loses this year.”
- “I promise you my heart and with it, I’m forever yours. My wedding vows stand true; you have me completely. My love is never-ending.”
- “I vow never to take away any of myself but instead give more than ever before as I guide you through every part of my heart until eternity.”
- “I promise to surprise you, to amaze you, to make you laugh, and to help you in your every endeavor.”
- “Dream with me, hold me, never let me go and I will be your loving wife forevermore.”
- “As your wife, I promise to love you until my last day, to be loyal, and to support you through the good and the bad.”
- “This, my husband, is the beginning of forever, forever kisses, forever loves, forever together as one.”
- “I give myself completely to you. I offer my love for your own happiness. I surrender all that is within me so we may grow old together.”
- “I will always strive to do my best for you and to be the person that you need me to be.”
- “I promise to share everything from my deepest secrets to the most intimate moments of passion with you.”
- “I promise to love you, to be your faithful partner in life, and live with gratitude for you daily.”
- “Suddenly there in you was everything I would ever need. I knew it the first time we met, and I know now that you are my everything.”
- “I promise to be kind, patient, and forgiving. I promise to hold from this day in my heart, mind, and soul, and to take care of you for the rest of my life.”
- “I vow to love you unconditionally for all of eternity.”
Unique Wedding Vow Examples
If you are looking for a few wedding vow examples that are short and unique. Below is a short list of them you can use to inspire your own wedding vows.
- “I promise to love you endlessly for the rest of our days as your husband/wife. I will keep you safe and warm as I shelter us from the tribulations that may come our way. In lean times, we can rely on each other for comfort. Together, let’s make today a day of firsts by making memories to last a lifetime!”
- “I take thee as my wedded spouse, to have and to hold from this day onward; for better or worse; forsaking all others that come before me. Do so with peace of mind knowing our lives intertwine together…and create a perfect whole called love.”
- You are my destiny. I promise to always remember how much you mean to me. That’s a vow I’ll make till the day we’re old and gray.”
- As your husband/wife, I promise to be your rock. I promise to uplift and encourage you. I promise to never give up on you. I will work hard every day to make sure that we both know how much I love and cherish you.”
- “I pledge myself, my life, my heart, and all that is within me, to be your one faithful husband/wife from this day forth for better or worse, in sickness and in health. All the days of our lives together are like a beautiful tapestry with threads coming together which create a perfect whole. With these wedding vows completed here today through making promises before our friends and family, it has been woven by two people who have decided they want their life together forevermore as one solid and cherished thread.”
- Together, let’s build a lifetime of happiness on this foundation of love. We shall not give up hope or surrender to adversity but instead renew our faith in ourselves and one another again and again.”
- “This relationship has given me opportunities to grow into myself and learn more about what I want out of life. Now that we have found each other again, there will be no holding back from exploring our future life together!”
- “We are going into this life together. We will face the difficulties of today as well as tomorrow with courage born anew each day by our faithfulness to one another’s needs—physical, spiritual, emotional.”
- “I love you so much it almost hurts! You are my life. The joy I feel when we’re together is indescribable in words. All that matters to me now and always will be is our family together. I am for this gift called marriage and to call you my husband/wife.”
- “Oneness has been our destiny since first we met. This moment two became one on earth and now our souls have mated. My love for you grows ever stronger with each passing hour like the mountain’s roots that hold it.”
- “Today and every day for the rest of my life, I promise to be your navigator and sidekick in all of life’s adventures. I’ll always keep you by my side so that we can experience this wonderful journey of life together. I promise to be your best friend, partner-in-crime; someone who will remind you how much they love you when life gets hard.”
- Be my partner in life, we’re so much better together. I want to laugh with you when you are happy; to support you when you’re down, and to encourage you always. We’ll always be there for each other so we can see and overcome whatever comes our way long after today has gone.
- “Today and every day for the rest of my life, I promise as your (husband/wife) to always be by your side. We are one soul with two halves – our hearts beat in unison. From sunrise until sunset, dusk to dawn, through world pandemics and quarantines, from here on out it’s just me and you baby!”
- “The most important thing is that we grow together as a couple through shared experiences-good times or bad-so we can share with each other what life means on a deeper level. I want all of your dreams to come true, even if they aren’t mine too because it makes them no longer just yours alone… ours!”
- “Do you promise to be a good and faithful partner to Sam and to also be a patient, loving mother/father to [names of children], caring for and providing for them as your own? Will you strive to fill your home with love, laughter, and joy, for not only the well-being of your life partner but also for the beautiful children that will look to you for advice and guidance?”
- “For better or less than whatever may come our way…we stand fearless knowing nothing can stop our love or keep us from each other. You have been the most important person in my life. From this moment forward, I will be your husband/wife and you shall be my husband/wife.”
- “Today and every day for the rest of my life, I promise to be your (husband/wife), partner, and sidekick in all of life’s adventures. Together, we will have an adventure that is greater than any other! I promise you myself completely.”
- “I promise that I will love you for all the years of my life and remain open to your wishes, thoughts, feelings, and needs. I will always listen with empathy as we share our hopes for the future. Together we can work out any difficulties or challenges so long as we are willing to communicate in a meaningful way about them. No matter what may come our way, this commitment shall never falter from us.”
- “You are my best friend in the world. We’ve had our share of hard times but they have only made me realize what a precious gift your companionship is to me. We are now committed together forever… as it should be.”
- “I promise to always be there for you, in good times and bad. I know that we can make it through anything together. Every day I fall more deeply in love with you and am so happy to have found someone who is willing to face all of life’s challenges with me.”
- “Today and every day for the rest of my life, I promise to be there for you. Whether we’re exploring a new country or Netflix and chillin’, I am excited about our journey. Through good times or bad ones including those trying moments – and I am so grateful they happen because I love you so much more when we overcome adversity – at all points along our life path, just know that you have all of me through thick and thin.”
- “We are more than just two souls coming together; we’re a family united by love. We pledge to focus on our shared values which will guide both of our lives as one through happiness and sorrow, in sickness and in health till death parts us.”
- “I promise to stay by your side through sickness and in health as your husband/wife; even when difficult times come along. Your happiness shall forever be most important to me.”
- “When I am with you, the world fades away. All that matters is being there for every moment of your life and making sure to cherish it as best we can together. You are my greatest gift in this lifetime and I’m so lucky our paths crossed because if they didn’t then none of these wonderful moments would ever have happened, and it means so much more that we got to experience these together!”
- “I cherish every second with you. You are my life and the heartbeat that keeps me going day after day. But from this day forward on as we stand before these witnesses here today, I vow to make each of our days count more than any other in existence because they’re all ours together-forever, to share and enjoy.”
Funny Wedding Vow Examples
- “I promise to take you in sickness and in health, regardless of the dangerous stuff I put you through!”
- “Does this mean I have to stop referring to you by your last name?”
- “I promise to love you, honor you, but not obey because that’s a little creepy.”
- “There’s an old Irish saying that goes, Cramagorrah Rowe Egonhah. Wait a minute. I might have accidentally cursed you. I am so sorry…”
- “This is a lot of pressure, huh, I better not blow this—I _____ take you…what’s your name again?”
- “I promise to be your co-pilot, your navigator, and to bring snacks on our road trip through life.”
- “I vow to be your spell checker, grammar friend, and tell you when things need hyphens. I promise to be your partner in exercise, even if I am much faster than you, and most of all, I promise to try things, even though I am sure I will not like them, just because you say, ‘Try this!'”
- “I want your worst—give me your bad hair days, your long commutes, your burnt coffee, lost keys, splashed shoes, annoying coworkers, lost receipts, broken copiers, give me yours every day, and I will give you my love to make it alright.”
- “We look pretty good. What is it we were all dressed up for?”
- “I promise not to watch the next episode without you.”
- “I vow not to carry on watching a Netflix series we started together without you. Or at least pretend it’s the first time I’ve watched it when we watch it again.”
- “I love you, by the old gods and the new.”
- “I promise that you will be as important to me as coffee, as chocolate, and as all the episodes of Grey’s put together.”
- “I love you like the musical Cats. Now and forever.”
- “I keep thinking of the beginning of UP…is that a problem?”
Final Thoughts
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learning how you can write wedding vows. It really is super simple and something you will do from the heart.
So make sure to think about what you want to say and what you want to express. With a bit of work, you will find the words and have a stellar set of wedding vows that are uniquely yours.
If you are still stuck, make sure to read wedding vow examples so that you can learn from others and maybe even inspire yourself.
Before we sign off we would like to quickly say that the wedding vow examples we have used in our list are not ours and are examples that others have come up with.
Have a fantastic day and good luck with your wedding vows.
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Enjoyed looking through this, very good stuff, appreciate it.