The traditional wedding script has an outline that guides the person officiating the wedding. If you strictly follow the standard wedding script, your wedding ceremony could become too formal and dull.
If you want a fun and unforgettable wedding ceremony, you can devise a funny wedding script.
A funny wedding script can be a traditional script infused with some decent humor. The idea is to calm the nerves of everyone, lighten the atmosphere, and hold the guests’ attention. Although a funny wedding script is creative, it should contain all the legal elements of a marriage ceremony.
In this article, you’ll find 4 funny wedding scripts for your wedding ceremony. Read on.
1. A Wedding Script With Funny Ring Exchange

Procession and Opening Remarks
Guests are seated. Partner B walks down the aisle to join Partner A and the officiant. Once everyone is seated, the officiant makes the following remarks:
Good morning, and welcome to this beautiful ceremony. Out of the 8 billion people worldwide, this Partner A and B invited you to join them as they enter the institution of marriage. That makes you very special.
Dearly beloved, today we are gathering to join Partner A and Partner B in matrimony. If you can show just cause why Partner A and B shouldn’t be lawfully joined together, say it now or forever hold your peace.
Declaration of Intent
Do you, Partner A, take B to be the one you give compassion, respect, and love to and allow him/her/them to provide you with the same?
I do.
And do you, Partner B, take Partner A to be the one you not only give compassion, respect, and love to but also allow him/her/them to give you the same?
I do.
The Vows
I, Partner A, promise to love you, Partner B, and to be your partner in everything. I promise not to possess you but to work with you as part of the whole.
I, Partner B, promise to love you and accept you, Partner A, just the way you are. I also promise to give the best of myself to you and not to demand from you more than you can provide.
Ring Exchange
Partner B, I give you this ring to symbolize my love for you. It’s a reminder that I’ll be a faithful partner to you. It’s also a reminder that I’ll be by your side always, sharing your stuff.
Partner A, I give you this ring to symbolize my love for you. May it also constantly remind you that you are stuck with me forever.
That’s it; you did it.
I pronounce you are now married by the authority vested in me.
The Kiss
You may now kiss for the first time as newlyweds for all the world to see.
It’s now my great privilege to present to you the newlyweds.
2. A Wedding Script With Funny Vows

Procession and Opening Remarks
The wedding ceremony begins. The Guests sit, and the bride enters. Once the bride is at the groom’s side, the officiant makes the following remarks:
Family and friends, today we are gathered here to witness the joining of two hearts.
When Partner A and Partner B met, the extraordinary happened; they fell madly in love. Today, we’re celebrating their desire to love each other for life.
Does anyone have a just cause for why I should not join these two in matrimony? It’s your chance to speak or hold your peace forever.
Great, then let’s get on with it.
Declaration of Intent
Partner A, will you take Partner B as your lawfully wedded husband/wife/spouse in times of pain, pleasure, health, or sickness?
I will.
Partner B, will you take Partner A to be your lawfully wedded husband/wife/spouse in times of pain, pleasure, health, or sickness?
I will.
Exchange of Vows
I, Partner A, promise to always cherish and sustain you, Partner B, in sickness and health, poverty and wealth, and to be true to you until death alone shall part us. I also promise to unclog the drain, even though you’re the one with long hair.
I, Partner B, promise to always cherish and sustain you, Partner A, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth, and to be true to you until death alone shall part us. I’ll also promise to resist changing the channel as you watch soccer.
Exchange of Rings
Partner B, you are the love of my life. I’m making it official with this ring.
Partner A, I offer you this ring as an eternal gift. It also reminds you that I’m always beside and behind you.
By the authority bestowed in me, I now declare you married.
The Kiss
You may now kick off your marriage with a kiss.
Kindly give the newlyweds a round of applause as they walk out.
3. A Wedding Script With Funny Opening Remarks

Guests are seated. Partner B walks down the aisle to join the officiant and Partner A.
Opening Remarks
Hello everyone, and welcome. We are gathered today to celebrate Partner A and Partner B’s marriage ceremony.
I request you keep your phones away on Partners A and B’s behalf. They say you should pay attention because there may be a pop quiz afterward.
If you know why these two should not be lawfully joined together, I request you to speak now or hold your peace forever.
Are you ready to get these two married?
Declaration of Intent
Partner A, do you welcome Partner B to be your lawfully wedded wife/ husband/spouse?
Partner A: Yes, I do.
Partner B, do you welcome Partner A to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband/spouse?
Partner B: Yes, I do.
Exchange of Vows
Now, please look into each other’s eyes and exchange your vows.
I, Partner A, vow to always love you, Partner B, as my lover and life partner. I also promise not to throw my dirty socks everywhere and to leave the toilet seat down.
I, Partner B, promise to cherish you, Partner A, and to suffocate you with my love. I’ll also not tell you how to drive.
Ring Exchange
Partner B, I offer this ring to symbolize my love for you. May it remind you that you’re always in my heart.
Partner A, I offer this ring to symbolize my love for you. May it remind you that you’re always in my heart.
Partner A and Partner B, you’ve exchanged beautiful vows in the presence of your family and friends. By the powers vested in me, it’s my honor and delight to pronounce you married!
The Kiss
I allow you to seal your union with a kiss!
Family and friends, it is now my pleasure to present the newest couple in town to you.
4. A Funny Modern Wedding Script

Partner B walks down the aisle to join Partner A and the officiant.
Opening Remarks
Ladies and gents, today, we’re here because Partner A and Partner B have said to each other, “Darling, I love you to the moon and back—I’ve got to involve the government.”
Thanks to everyone for joining Partners A and B on their big day. They want it to be a fun and memorable ceremony, so we will have a good time. After the hitching, we’ll drown ourselves in champagne at the reception.
We’ve got to start the ceremony, so let’s do this.
Declaration of Intent
Partner A, do you take Partner B as your lawfully wedded wife/husband//spouse? To truly comfort and love her/him/them, in good times and bad times, in health and sickness, and reap all their tax benefits as long as you both shall live?
Partner A: I do.
Partner B, do you take Partner A to be your lawfully wedded wife/husband/spouse? To truly comfort and love her/him/them, in good times and bad times, in health and sickness, and reap all their tax benefits as long as you both shall live?
Partner B: I do.
The Vows
Partner B, I promise to hold you close to my heart forever. I also promise to laugh at each of your jokes, no matter how poorly told or stupid. That’s how much I love you.
Partner B, I promise to cherish our love always. I also promise to be your navigator and co-pilot and to always bring snacks on our road trips through life.
Ring Exchange
Partner B, I offer you this ring as a sign that I will love you, honor you, and cherish you. I’ll also clean up after myself and let you have the remote every once in a while.
Partner A, this ring symbolizes that I’ll always cherish, honor, and love you. I may also make your dinner once in a while and try to avoid nagging you about spending too much time with the guys.
After that robust exchange, allow me to do my part.
By the authority in me, I now pronounce you as married.
The Kiss
Well, go on, kiss him/her/them!
Closing Statement
That wraps up the “formal” portion of today’s proceedings. On behalf of the newly wedded couple, thank you for coming.
Ladies and gents, it’s my great pleasure to present the newest couple in town. Let’s now go and party.
Final Thoughts
A dose of laughter is the best medicine, and that’s especially true on your wedding day. After all, it’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life! Why not start the festivities off with a few chuckles by incorporating humor into your ceremony script?
We’ve provided four hilarious examples for you to consider. The next step is up to you!
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